Sunday, April 29, 2007

Q: Have you ever experienced a natural disaster?

What happened? Describe your experience.

Ans: Typhoons is that i meet very terror disaster. The forces of wind and rain combine to cause damage and death. And it can cause floods, it is big scope to raid.

Q: Which natural disaster do you think causes the most harm? Why?

Ans: It is tornadoes. tornadoes can flatten buildings as well as pick up cars and houses and toss them around like toys. It's to destroy very big and powerful.

Q: Which one of these facts about trees is the most interesting to you ? Why?

Ans: Trees provide wind protection and shade. one shade tree can keep a building up to 20 degrees cooler in the summer.

Q: Have you ever seen any fascinating or famous trees? If so, describe them.

Ans: A diine tree. It can live the longest on earth. The world's oldest trees are more than 4500 years old.

Q: Beside these advantages are important tous, you can describe morebenefits from terrific trees?

Ans: The trees can to protect land and to meet rain can prevent waterand soil erosion.It is our nature angel.